Version 5.1 Product Update 9

Breaking Changes

  • IMAN-2662 – Sage300 – Adds support for complex passwords introduced in 2023.

    The database update accompanying this release will capitalise the password for each Sage300 entry defined in the System Connectors.

    This behaviour is to provide consistency with earlier versions of Sage requiring the password to be uppercase.

    It is important that you review the passwords after the update.


  • IMAN-3145 – Webservices – Adds a hint under the Query, Insert & Modfy URL fields to show the full URL compromising of the BaseURL of the Webbehaviour and the Url field.
  • IMAN-3141 – Email Task – Adds ability to use expando fields when sending Email on the From field.
  • IMAN-3135 – Webservices – Adds webservice request retry (outside of throttling).
  • IMAN-3133 – JSONWriter – Adds ability to specify empty array nodes.
  • IMAN-3122, IMAN-3130, IMAN-3132, IMAN-3140 – XmlReader – Brings equivalent ‘Steppable Reader’ as per JSON Reader.
  • IMAN-3110 – Webservices – Adds support for DELETE operations for Writers.
  • IMAN-3103 – Sage200 – POPInvoice– Add handling to be able to set the lines (per the PL Invoice).
  • IMAN-3102 – Sage200 – Add extender field support for PLInvoice and POPInvoice.


  • IMAN-3194 – Webservices – Fix an issue where evaluated Urls with incoming data.
  • IMAN-3134 – VbScriptEvaluator – Fix issue where old formulas are re-appearing.
  • IMAN-3133 – VBScriptEvaluation – Fixes thread related issue on connectors where connectors are fetching from multiple sources.
  • IMAN-3099 – Sage200 – Stock Adjustments – Add allowable exception IdenticalCreditDebitCodesException.
  • IMAN-3095 – JSONWriter – Fixes several auditing issues.
  • IMAN-3094 – JSONWriter – Fixes IndexOutOfRangeException exception on an empty JPath.
  • IMAN-3090 – Data Handling – Fixes an issue where Overwrite not being applied on multival fields – most seen on Aggregate transforms.
  • IMAN-3057 – Webservices – Fixes issue where throttling setup not always respected.
  • IMAN-3027, IMAN-3059 – Reader/Connectors – Alter/fix/improves handling to allow incoming data to parameterise connectors.
  • IMAN-3025 – WebAPI – Log full error stack on unhandled exception.
  • IMAN-3018 – Salesforce – Fix issue where hierarchical data cannot be synced where there are more than 25 child items.
  • IMAN-3013, IMAN-3026 – WebAPI – Implement fixes needed to address concurrency issues for Sage200.
  • IMAN-2966, IMAN-3005 – Sage300 – O/E Orders – Fixes various issues when Update operation is set to Synchronise.
  • IMAN-2966 – Sage300 – Bank Reversal – Bank Reversal – Add ability to reverse invoice.
  • IMAN-2937 – Sage300 – A/R Invoice – Fixes issue where the incorrect field was being set on Prepayments.
  • IMAN-2912 – WebAPI – Adds password field toggle on WebUser.


Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

Looking to purchase IMan, please see our resellers here.

Realisable Software
Ph: +44 (0) 208 123 1017

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Realisable is a registered trademark


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Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

Looking to purchase IMan, please see our resellers here.

Realisable Software
Ph: +44 (0) 208 123 1017

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Realisable is a registered trademark


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Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

Looking to purchase IMan, please see our resellers here.

Realisable Software
Ph: +44 (0) 208 123 1017

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Realisable is a registered trademark
