Purchase Order Processing

POP Confirm Direct Delivery


Insert Only



Extender Field Support


Writeback Fields

POPDirectDelivery.AdjustmentGRNNo The Sage generated receipt/return number.

Implementation Notes


The SalesOrder number to confirm the direct delivery for.


Determines the strategy for determining the line to be despatched/returned:

  • 0
    • By SOPOrderReturnLineId – This is the line id generated by Sage at time of import. (default)
  • 1
    • By Item Code – Only supported for Standard type lines matching and will match the first found line corresponding to the item code and thus not suitable for despatching where an item can appear more than once on an order.


The Sage generated id for the Sales Order line used to determine the line to Confirm Direct Delivery. Used only when LineMatchMethod is 0.


The Item code corresponding to line to Confirm Direct Delivery. Used only when LineMatchMethod is 1.


When set to true will auto-generate or auto-select serial numbers.

LineItem. AutoGenerateSerialStart

Specifies the starting number for the serial number generation.

POP Invoice/Credit Note


Insert Only



Extender Field Support

Yes - Extender field support will display the fields from the Purchase Ledger Invoice document only - not extender fields to the POP Invoice.

Writeback Fields

POPInvoiceCredit.URN The Sage generated Unique Reference Number generated upon successful posting.

Implementation Notes

POPInvoiceCredit. Supplier

The supplier to create the invoice/credit note.


When set determines the single Document to invoice or credit.

When not set it allows you to invoice or credit multiple documents at a time for the supplier.

Invoicing by supplier is considerably slower than by a single document.

POPInvoiceCredit. ProcessLinesAsPLInvoice

When set to true it allows the lines to be processed in a similar manner as a Purchase Invoices invoice. Instead of the standard handling of POP Invoices which aggregates the lines by Nominal Code, this allows fields such as the Nominal, Tax, Amount, Narrative to be set for each line on the POP Invoice.


Determines the strategy for determining the line to be invoiced/credited:

  • 0
    • By POPOrderLineId – This is the line id generated by Sage at time of import. (default)
  • 1
    • By Item Code – Only supported for Standard type lines matching and will match the first found line corresponding to the item code and thus not suitable for despatching where an item can appear more than once on an order.


The Sage generated id used to determine the line to despatch/return. Used only when LineMatchMethod is 0.


The Item code corresponding to line to despatch/return. Used only when LineMatchMethod is 1.


When matching by Item Number this allows you to specify the Purchase Order/Return to match the document with when invoicing/crediting more than 1 document.


The GRN Number to match a document to. Used only when ‘Match invoices and credit notes to’ option is set to ‘GRNs, orders & returns’ per POP Settings.


When ProcessLinesAsPLInvoice is True, this sets the specific nominal code for the line (mimicking the same behaviour as a P/L Invoice).


When ProcessLinesAsPLInvoice is True, this sets the narrative for the line (mimicking the same behaviour as a P/L Invoice).


When ProcessLinesAsPLInvoice is True, this sets the Transaction Analysis Code for the line (mimicking the same behaviour as a P/L Invoice).

LineItem.TaxCode, LineItem.TaxAmount & LineItem.DiscountAmount

When ProcessLinesAsPLInvoice is True, this sets the Tax Code, Amount and Discount for the line (mimicking the line tax handling as the P/L Invoice).

POP Print Order


Insert Only



Writeback Fields


Implementation Notes

This function allows you to print/export the purchase order.

Order Return No

The Order Return No to print/export the picking list for.

Print Order

When set to true will print to the printer specified in PrinterName field.

Printer Name

The name of the local printer.

Export Order

The full path to export the purchase order to. The type of the file created is determined by the extension of the path.

POP Purchase Order


Insert, Update, Delete, & Synchronise



Writeback Fields

POPOrder.DocumentNo The Sage generated document number.
POPReturn.POPOrderReturnLine The Sage generated line id.

Implementation Notes


Will update or delete the Purchase Order specified by the value of this field dependent on the Update Operation.


When set to true and in combination with the Document No field and Update Operation will cancel the order.


Corresponds to the type of line to create:

  • 0
    • Standard (default)
  • 1
    • Free Text
  • 2
    • Additional Charge
  • 3
    • Comment

POPOrderLine. POPOrderReturnLine

If this field is mapped by with no value IMan will update this field with Sage200 id for the POP Line.

When set with a value will update or delete the line specified by the value of this field dependent on the Update Operation.

POPOrderLine. DeleteRecord

When set to true and in combination with the POPOrderReturnLine field and Update Operation will delete the line.

POP Purchase Return


Insert Only



Writeback Fields

POPReturn.DocumentNo The Sage generated document number.
POPReturn.POPOrderReturnLine The Sage generated line id.

Implementation Notes


Corresponds to the type of line to create:

  • 0
    • Standard (default)
  • 1
    • Free Text
  • 2
    • Additional Charge
  • 3
    • Comment

POP Receipt/Return


Insert Only



Writeback Fields

POPReceiptReturn.AdjustmentGRNNo The Sage generated receipt/return number.

Implementation Notes

POPReceiptReturn. Supplier

The supplier to perform the receipt or return.


When set determines the single Document to receipt or return.

When not set it allows you to receive/return multiple documents at a time for the supplier.

Receiving by supplier is considerably slower than by a single document.


When set to true will perform goods receipt otherwise perform a return.


Determines the strategy for determining the line to be despatched/returned:

  • 0
    • By POPOrderLineId
    • This is the line id generated by Sage at time of import. (default)
  • 1
    • By Item Code
    • Only supported for Standard type lines matching and will match the first found line corresponding to the item code and thus not suitable for despatching where an item can appear more than once on an order.


The Sage generated id used to determine the line to despatch/return. Used only when LineMatchMethod is 0.


The Item code corresponding to line to despatch/return. Used only when LineMatchMethod is 1.


When set to true will auto-generate or auto-select serial numbers.

LineItem. AutoGenerateSerialStart

Specifies the starting number for the serial number generation.