BigCommerce Integration
Complete Sage integration for your BigCommerce stores.
BigCommerce Connector
IMan is a flexible integration platform for Sage 200 (UK), Sage 300, Sage Intacct, Sage X3 and Acumatica. The BigCommerce connector for IMan allows you to connect a BigCommerce store with your Sage accounting or ERP system, providing seamless integration.
Bi-directional support
Bi-directional integration of master data such as Customer Accounts for B2B integration, Items and Item Attributes, Inventory and Pricing to and from your Sage ERP/Accounting or CRM solution.
Configurable Integration
IMan’s flexibility means specific & custom business processes can be included into any data flow.
For example: auto-purchase order generation for drop-ship ordering or; Warehousing/3PL/shipping integration or; credit checks and specialised payment processing.
IMan: the data integration platform at the heart of your business
IMan’s comprehensive transformation and connectivity with business applications means order processing workflows can be built, specific to your business process.
- Upload shipment consignment data either from your Sage application or shipping portal.
- Use IMan’s document automation capabilities for sending alerting or customer facing documents such as order, shipment confirmations or invoices.
- Integrate your 3PL, WMS, or distribution solutions into any set of integrations.
- Dynamically create Customer Accounts & Stock Items in your Sage application as part of the order or shipment download process.
- Support for multiple BigCommerce stores.
- Order Download.
- Upload shipment or consignment data from either Sage or your shipping solution.
- Upload & download product data to and from your BigComnmerce store, including Product attributes.
- Upload & download customer records to and from Sage.
- Update available inventory from Sage to BigCommerce.
- Update customer/trade specific pricing from Sage to BigCommerce.
Request a demo of IMan today
If you have an integration requirement and would like to see IMan in action, please get in touch.
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