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Sage 300 Order Discount Detail (1 reply)

6 years ago
colinash 6 years ago

Hi, I’m importing orders and would like to know the correct Sage 300 field to map to in the connector to import line level item discounts. I can see ‘discount amount’ but do not know if this is the correct field to use. I currently receive the error “The discount amount must be between zero and the extended amount”



5 years ago
Support 5 years ago

The discount field on the detail is 'Order Discount Amount'. The field accepts a positive value and it must be less than the extended line value.


Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

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Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

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Ph: +44 (0) 208 123 1017

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Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

Looking to purchase IMan, please see our resellers here.

Realisable Software
Ph: +44 (0) 208 123 1017

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