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Iman v4.1PU5 screen "flickering" when accessed from user's workstation (4 replies)

Sue Herrmannn
4 years ago
Sue Herrmannn 4 years ago

I have a user who opens Iman from their desktop (Iman is installed on a virtual server). She logs in and only has rights to run a job or two.

This morning, when she logs into Iman - the login screen is fine, but once logged in, the screen keeps flickering - it looks like it's trying to refresh the screen at the top, so you can't actually do anything - it just keeps refreshing. Iman runs just fine from the server. I tried both Chrome and Firefox - same issue.

Any ideas? 

4 years ago
Support 4 years ago

Why would have this occurred all of a sudden? Has something changed?

Sue Herrmannn
4 years ago
Sue Herrmannn 4 years ago

The issue is workstation specific. It was working on Friday, when she came in on Monday, it wasn't. (other servers went down that weekend, but not the iman virtual server). They haven't installed anything new on the workstation or iman virtual - windows updates were not installed. It works on other workstations and just fine on the server. I tried a few different web browsers and the issue occurs in all of them. It's like it is trying to query the iman server and just keeps restarting the query. The login screen works but everything flickers/freezes from there... Any thoughts? 

4 years ago
Support 4 years ago

This sounds as if something in the Javascript in the client is failing, specifically the call from the browsers to the IMan server.

Could there be some sort of browser plugin preventing this?

If you go to the customer's browser onto the Scheduler screen, press F12 (to bring up the browser developer tools), then click the Console tab (you should see a whole bunch of errors). Can you take a screenshot and paste?

Sue Herrmannn
4 years ago
Sue Herrmannn 4 years ago

I logged back in to do some testing and it works just fine now... Bizarre! It consistently didn't work for at least 2 days, we did reboots and everything and now it's fine. Okay, sorry to bother you. I consider this one closed...


Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

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Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

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Realisable Software Ltd provides code-free, cost-effective applications integration solutions for SMEs. Our core IMan product is designed to integrate almost any application with a number of Sage solutions and online payment processors.

Looking to purchase IMan, please see our resellers here.

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Ph: +44 (0) 208 123 1017

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