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Sage 300 connector disallowing insert NULL value for Item Location (No replies)

Arline Welty
10 months ago
Arline Welty 10 months ago

Can someone advise on why I can't seem to force the Sage 300 connector to map a NULL value to a line item Location value for a PO? I am able to do this in the user interface, but the connector won't allow it. I suspect that it has to do with the PO header level 'Ship to' and 'Bill to' location values being inherited at the line level but I'm not clear why I can't edit the line item value through Iman when I create the PO. 

Maybe a formula issue?

Use case: allow the Sage 300 connector to insert a value of NULL for Location when we create a PO line with a non-inventory item. 

The value is supplied from a spreadsheet with the "Location" value specified. We expect the user to explicitly declare the Location value for each line. So if a user provides a NULL value for Location, I would like the mapping to then use a value of NULL for the item location.

Current formula:

IIf(InStr(%Location, "") = 0," ", %Location )


The Iman job is not recognizing the NULL value. If nothing is specified in the spreadsheet, it inserts the default value for Location rather than inserting a NULL value.


Thank you



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