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Help with a concatenation please? (4 replies)

Arline Welty
7 years ago
Arline Welty 7 years ago

Hi everyone - can you advise me on how to resolve this concatenation issue? I want to combine a few elements of data into a single "Description" field. The source is an Excel spreadsheet. The 3 elements are:

  1. Today's Date
  2. A hard coded string called "Number of Head"
  3. The value of "HEAD" for that row in the spreadsheet.

When I create the concatenation & check it, I get "No Errors Found." 

Concatenate("Date", "Number Of Head:", "HEAD")

But when I actually try to refresh, I see this. But this doesn't make sense to me as there is a value for HEAD in each row. What do I need to change here?
7 years ago
Support 7 years ago

Arline, the second parameter to the Concatenate function is the transaction id, not the field name.

Arline Welty
7 years ago
Arline Welty 7 years ago

So does this mean I cannot concatenate the 3 fields I want to concatenate? Based on this:

It seems like I can concatenate one field with one hard-coded value (like a separator). But I want to concatenate the following:

  1. Today's Date
  2. A hard coded string called "Number of Head"
  3. The value of "HEAD" for that row in the spreadsheet.

So is that possible? When I changed my formula to:

Concatenate("HEAD", "Record" , "Date")

It returned the value in the field called "Head" but it didn't return anything else. I was hoping I could use "Date" as the separator, thinking maybe today's date could be the separator. But even if I did that, how can I also insert the hard coded string "Number Of Head" into the new field?

Thanks for any advice!

Here's  a screenshot also.
7 years ago
Support 7 years ago

Arline, I don't think you

If you simply need to concatenate multiple fields, just go:

Date & "Number of Head" & %HEAD
Date & "Number of Head" & %HEAD

The Concatenate function allows you to concatenate/join values from multiple records or values. It works in the same way as the Sum, Count & other functions.

Arline Welty
7 years ago
Arline Welty 7 years ago

Aha, thank you, worked great!


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