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DB Update Error Replacement for Field (6 replies)

Arline Welty
6 years ago
Arline Welty 6 years ago

Hi all,
Just trying to understand why this Database Update transform is failing. I want to update a value in the field "InSage" based on a WHERE clause match on Company Id, Vendor ID, and a "Start Date" field.
Those values do have matches in the database. Here is the where clause I'm using:
Why is this failing? What does it mean that "it's not a field in the corresponding transaction" since all of the fields (Customer, Vendor, and StartDate) exist in the database?
Thanks in advance,

6 years ago
Support 6 years ago

Arline, you have a field StartDate, but your where clause has something odd about it.

The field (%SDateYYYY-MM-DD) below doesn't should be %StartDate

Arline Welty
6 years ago
Arline Welty 6 years ago

So the field that exists in the database is called StartDate. Because of some formatting issues though, IMAN displays the value differently than what I want. So I created an IMAN field, SDateYYYY-MM-DD, to display the value to match exactly what's in the database field StartDate. 

So I'm afraid I still do not understand. If the value in %SDateYYYY-MM-DD matches the value in the database field StartDate why do I have an issue? 

Or maybe I'm not clear on what it means that it doesn't exist. StartDate exists as a database field, and %SDateYYYY-MM-DD exists in my IMAN transform.


D Dunn
6 years ago
D Dunn 6 years ago

I would change the name of your IMan field from SDateYYYY-MM-DD to something like SDateFormatted.  Avoid the - character so that any parsing routines are chopping the field up unintentionally.

6 years ago
Support 6 years ago

Django, thanks for the reply and I think you may be on the correct track (we've resolved these types of errors btw in the forthcoming v4).

Arline, could you provide the full error message? (or even a screenshot)?


Arline Welty
6 years ago
Arline Welty 6 years ago

Sure, here is a screenshot of the error message.
6 years ago
Support 6 years ago

Arline, can you rename your fields?

Possibly alter SDate-YYYY-MM-DD to SDateYYYYMMDD?



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