Setup Items

Setup Items is a section under the Setup tab (of the primary navigation strip) that holds the screens to configure some of the dependencies that run the transform jobs within an IMan integration.

Once defined, the setup items appear as options in drop-downs throughout the transform setup.

Database Connections

The Database Connections defined here are used for connecting a Database reader or writer transform to an external database; they will appear in the database connection dropdowns within those transforms.

Connection strings can be written manually into each transform, but defining a database connection will save time if using the same database for multiple connections.

SMTP Server

At least one SMTP Server needs to be defined in order to schedule any integration jobs.

This is the server(s) from which Audit Reports and Email task components will be sent.

POP3 Servers

This is where the POP3 Server options are specified.

These settings are used by the email controller within read transforms and email task transform.

Email Groups

The Groups defined here are used for sending out the Audit Report, Auditing, and Log Keys that are arranged within the Audit Tab of each transform; they must be defined in order for the audit report to be sent out.

The ability to define specific groups to receive the email means that transform results can be directed specifically to the people it is relevant to.

FTP Server

To configure an FTP Server connection here will make it available in the FTP Task to use for uploading, downloading, moving or copying data to or from that server's directory.

System Connectors

The setup of the System Connectors that IMan uses to connect to external program applications (e.g. Sage300, or Sage CRM) is configured here.