Email Groups

Email Groups define the recipients of the Audit report or sections of the Audit report.

The email group the audit report is sent is selected from the Email Group drop-down menu from the Audit Tab of the main design screen.

A further discussion on Email Groups can be found here.

A new IMan database will create a default Email Group. It is important to populate the default Email Group with at least a single email/recipient.

Setup > Email Groups

Group ID

The unique Id of the Email Group.


A useful description for the Email Group.

Mail Server

The SMTP Server to be used to send the mail.

From Address

The address that the mails will be sent from.

The email specified here will need to have sufficient rights to send mail in respect to the authentication (user) defined on the selected Mail Server. If the From address does not have sufficient rights emails will fail to send, either with an error or silently.

If the selected Mail Server is confured to send emails via the Realisable Smtp Service all emails will be sent from the displayed address.

Email To ; Email CC ; Email BCC

The email addresses to send the emails to.

Multiple addresses are separated by a semi-colon or comma. Email address may be in the format of:

John Smith [[email protected]]


John Smith <[email protected]>

Where the first part is the display name and the second part (in square or pointed brackets) is the email address.

Test Button

When pressed an email will be sent to the recipients of the Email Group via the selected Mail Server.