Step 9 – Order Status Feedback File

This will create a CSV file consisting of the incoming Order Id and the Sage300 assigned Order Number which will then be uploaded back to the order system.

  1. On the main design screen drag a CSV Writer from the Writers group onto the palette. Connect it to end of the Sage300 Order import and double click to open the setup.
  2. Expand the File Options.

  1. File Name
    • For writer transforms you can enter a simple formula to generate a filename.
    • For training, enter: "OrderStatus" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".csv"
  2. File Path
    • For training, enter: C:\IMan\OutputData
  3. Encoding Method
    • For training, select: Unicode (UTF-8) (utf-8)
  4. Evaluate Filename
    • To have the value in the File Name field evaluated or not.
    • For training: checked.
  5. Overwrite Existing File
    • Each time the process is run a new file (with an uniquifier) will be created.
    • For training: checked.
  1. Collapse the File Options and select the remaining options.
  1. Field Delimiter
    • The character(s) used to separate the fields.
    • For training, enter: ,
  1. Line delimiter
    • For training, select: Windows Carriage Return & Linefeed (CRLF)
  1. Quote String Fields
    • Select if you want string/text fields quoted.
    • For training: unchecked
  1. Write Header Rows
    • Select if you want the field names to appear at the top of the file.
    • For training: checked
  1. Create file when no data
    • For training: unchecked.
  1. Generate File Per Transaction
    • If you wish to generate many files per transaction type e.g. If you had data with multiple batches, you may wish to generate a file per batch.
    • For training: Leave blank
  1. Click the Field Mapping and press Edit to select/deselect the fields you wish to export.
  2. Deselect every field except REFERENCE and ORDNUMBER.

  1. Change to the OE0500 transaction and deselect ALL the fields.
  2. Refresh and then open your file.

  1. Press Apply to save the transform and close and then save the integration.