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The writer transforms have the ability to export an IMan dataset to a specified file, Url, or database.

These are highly flexible and customisable transforms, which are able to support hierarchical data, and export data in a variety of forms:

CSV Writer

For the ability to write a Character Separated Value file.

Database Writer

To insert or update records in any ODBC or OleDB compliant database.

Excel Writer

Excel spreadsheets, with potential for formatting when presentation is important, see .

Fixed Width Text Writer

To create a Fixed Width Text file.

XML Writer

For more information about using XPath expressions to generate XML files.

JSON Writer

To write JSON data to either an HTTP Url or to a file.

Any Writer > Audit

Auditing & Error Handling

If a writer encounters an error, it will stop completely.

Supported Counters

    • Incremented for each record being written.

Error Handling

Any errors, irrespective of the ‘Action on Transform Error’ setting will cause the transform to abort.