WebAPI Sample Integrations

Included are two sets of samples demonstrating how to use the WebAPI with Sage200, Sage300 & SageX3.

Get/Query Request Samples

These demonstrate how to use the WebAPI to accept a query (GET) request to return data from the corresponding Sage database.

Specifically these integrations demonstrate how to setup an endpoint with parameters to allow the query to be parameterised.

Post/Create Resource Samples

These samples demonstrate how to accept a request to create/update a resource such as an order.

Before you start

It is important that you familiarise with a client such as PostMan and the Anatomy of an http Request & response.

It is also recommended that before using the samples, you read the following pages to understand the fundamentals of how the various components of IMan and the WebAPI module function and relate.

WebAPI Integration Setup & How-to

The samples borrow heavily from the concepts described on this page.

User Property & Request Relationship

Each sample requires the request to be authenticated.

In addition each sample utilizes User Properties to be able to parameterise the request.

The Integrations

The integrations are all prefixed with WEBAPI and can be found at the bottom of the list.