Form URL Writer

The Form URL Writer provides the ability to integrate with a Form URL and URL Parameter type web service.

These types of services require that a sequence of key value pairs (e.g. key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3) be 'posted' to the service either as a form post or as parameters to the URL.

Due to the nature of the output the following limitations apply:

  • The writer only works with the HTTP IO Controller.
  • Only the values from the top Transaction Type will be included in the request.
  • A single request per record will be made.

Transform > File Layout

The file layout tab is where the details for the creation of the file - such as its target, line and field delimiters - are configured.

Transform Id

The unique user-defined name for the transform.


See HTTP Controller for more information.

Post Type

Controls how the values will be sent to the webservice. The Post Type has two options:

  • Form URL Encoded
    • The data is sent with the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' content type.
  • Paramterised URL
    • Parameterised URLs

Rewrite Response Transaction

Allows you write the response back to the IMan dataset.

See Rewrite (HTTP) Write Response

Transform > Field Mapping

Current Transaction Id

The transaction type being edited.

Field Name

The field name within IMan.


When set to True, field will be included in resultant file.


The name of the parameter.

Up/Down Arrows

Used to control the ordering of the fields sent ofthe request.

Top record will become first on the left of grid in Preview screen.