5/17/2017 05:17:05 InvoiceConnector 11022 1020 - Item "A15000" not found in system. Select a valid item number from the Finder or use the Items notebook to add the number you want to use. 5/17/2017 05:17:05 InvoiceConnector 11022 The Accpac data import incurred an unrecoverable error and is quitting. [Accpac API Error 1020 - Item "A15000" not found in system. Select a valid item number from the Finder or use the Items notebook to add the number you want to use. ] 5/17/2017 05:17:05 InvoiceConnector 11022 Error occurred whilst processing transform [InvoiceConnector]. Accpac API Error 1020 - Item "A15000" not found in system. Select a valid item number from the Finder or use the Items notebook to add the number you want to use. 5/17/2017 05:17:05 InvoiceConnector 10500 Transformation [InvoiceConnector] has terminated.