Http Header Link Paging

Http Header link paging provides the ability to handle paging where links to the next page of data are included in the http headers of the response.

This style of paging is defined by RFC5988, and is presently used by Shopify and GitHub.

Each response has a 'Link' http header. The next page of data is value contained within the angled brackets which is defined by the 'next' value per the 'rel' tag.

Other links such as 'prev', 'first' or 'last' may be included in the response header, but they are ignored.

If you think this style of paging is unnecessarily complicated, it is!

A response is considered to be complete if the response either does not contain a Link header or the link header does not contain a 'next' link.

Http Header Link paging is fixed in operation, it has no configurable parameters.