Input/Output Controllers (IO Controller)

Input/Output Controllers form a single interface by which to communicate with any potential data source or target.

The Input/Output Controller will form a bridge for the following independent interactions:

  • A CSV Reader to import from Email, File, or http locations.
  • An Xml Writer to write to File & Http.
  • The Database Reader and Writer that can only read and write to a database.


Monitors allow a Reader transform to watch for new events as defined by the specifications in the controller/data transport options. In contrast to the loose coupling of a Reader or Writer transform, Monitors are tightly coupled to the IO controller. This is because the monitor relies on the settings of the controller to know what to watch for.

At present only the Email IO controller supports monitors.

There is a controller for each of the following locations/targets:

Options/File Layout Tab

Each Reader / Writer has a Data Source drop down at the top of the options/file layout tab, which allows you to select the controller (data transport) to read from or write to. The Data Source selected in the drop down will alter the next options available.