Publishing with v6.x

  1. Login to X3 and go Development, Processes, Processes, Web services.

  1. Create a new webservice and enter the following details.

  1. Publication Name
    • The unique id for the webservice. Due to the way IMan maps it’s MetaData it is recommended that publication names remain consistent across folders and sites. This will make the IMan configurations much more portable.
  2. Publication Type
    • Select Object. IMan supports only object webservices at present.
  3. Object
    • The object id.
  4. Transaction
    • If the object supports transaction entry types, select or enter the transaction entry type for the object. To integrate with multiple transactions of the same object it is necessary to expose the object multiple times, one for each transaction.
  5. Invisible Fields
    • Leave unchecked.
  6. Mapping Tab
    • Leave.
  1. Press the Create, then the Save buttons at the bottom of the entry screen.
  2. IMPORTANT To publish the object press the Publication button. Once complete the Information section of the screen will be populated with the publisher, the publish date and the webservices wrapper program for the object published.

  1. Repeat for each webservice you wish to publish.
  2. For IMan to recognise the published objects it may be necessary to restart the Realisable Data Service.

IMPORTANT! Publishing the WebServices object

Due to IMan’s metadata driven nature, IMan must be able to determine which webservices are published. To achieve this, the webservices publication object must itself be published.

  1. Create a new webservice publication with the following details using the steps from the preceding section.
  1. Publication Name
    • AWEB (mandatory)
  2. Description
    • Can be anything.
  3. Publication Type
    • Object
  4. Object
    • AWE (The web services object).