Purchase Orders

P/O Credit/Debit Notes

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert only



Writeback Fields

PO0311.CRDHSEQ Credit Note Sequence Key
PO0315.CRNLREV Credit Note Detail Line Number
PO0315.CRNHSEQ Credit Note Detail Invoice Sequence Key
PO0315.CRNLSEQ Credit Note Detail Line Sequence

Implementation Notes

PO0311.FROMDOC (From Document Number)

Must be populated to generate the credit note. The field can be either the invoice number or a return number.

PO0311.TRANSTYPE (Transaction Type)

By default is credit note.

PO0311.CRNTOTAL (Credit Note Total)

Is an optional field, and does not need populating; when unpopulated the field will use the document total.

Detail Line Matching

As per entering a credit note via the Sage300 user interface, the detail lines are generated on entry of the from document number field.

The lines in the credit note must be matched against a line in the IMan dataset. Lines can be matched either by Item code or by either Return Detail Line Sequence or Invoice Detail Line Sequence. The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls how the lines are matched.


Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Invoice/ Return Detail Line Sequence (INVLSEQ/ RETLSEQ)



The value may be obtained either at the time the source document is created, or via a lookup against the source document.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the credit note. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

P/O Invoices

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert only


No Serial Number or Lot Tracking Support

No Project and Job Costing Support

Writeback Fields

PO0420.INVHSEQ Invoice Sequence Key
PO0430.INVLREV Invoice Detail Line Number
PO0430.INVHSEQ Invoice Detail Invoice Sequence Key
PO0430.INVLSEQ Invoice Detail Line Sequence

Implementation Notes

PO0420.RCPNUMBER (Receipt Number)

Must be populated to generate the invoice.

PO0420.INVTOTAL (Invoice Total)

Is an optional field, and does not need populating; when unpopulated the field will use the document total.

Detail Line Matching

As per entering an invoice via the Sage300 user interface, the detail lines are generated on entry of the receipt number field.

The lines in the invoice must be matched against a line in the IMan dataset. Lines can be matched either by Item code or by Receipt Detail Line Sequence. The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls how the lines are matched.

Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Receipt Detail Line Sequence (RCPLSEQ)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Receipt is created, or via a lookup against the Receipt.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the invoice. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

When creating an invoice without change to any of the detail lines it is not necessary to include any detail records to the import. This can be achieved through:

  • Not mapping a detail record to the P/O Detail view or;
  • Filter/remove any detail records prior to the Sage300 connector.

P/O Purchase Orders

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert only

Serial & Lot Tracking Support


Writeback Fields

PO0620.PORHSEQ Purchase Order Sequence Key
PO0620.PONUMBER Purchase Order Number
PO0620.LINES Number of Lines in Purchase Order
PO0630.PORLREV Purchase Order Detail Line Number
PO0630.LINE Purchase Order Detail Line Id
PO0630.PORLSEQ Purchase Order Detail Line Sequence

Implementation Notes

Updating Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders can be updated by setting the Purchase Order Number (PONUMBER) field.

To update a line within an order the line must be identified or matched to the line being updated. This is achieved by setting the either the PORLREV or ITEM fields.

The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls which field is used to match a particular line.


Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Line Number (PORLREV)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Purchase Order is created, or via a lookup against the Order & Order Details.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the invoice. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

Deleting Lines

Existing lines can be deleted by setting the Delete Record (SYS.DELETE) field on the line to true.

Deleting Orders

When the update operation is set to Delete, each matching order, as determined by the Order Number (PONUMBER) field will be deleted.

P/O Purchase Order Print

This allows P/O Purchase Ordewrs to be printed to either a local printer or exported to file.

Views/Record Types Supported



Create only



Writeback Fields


Implementation Notes



Print Invoice

When set to true will print the report to the specified printer.

Printer Name

The name of the locally installed printer. The printer cannot be a network printer.

Export File Path

The file to export the report to.

Purchase Order Form

The Crystal Report form.

Purchase Order Number

The purchase order number for the document to print.

P/O Receipts

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert and Update

Serial & Lot Tracking Support



A receipt can be created only from a single purchase order.

Writeback Fields

PO0700.RCPHSEQ Receipt Sequence Key
PO0700.RCPNUMBER Receipt Order Number
PO0710.RCPLREV Receipt Detail Line Number
PO0710.RCPHSEQ Receipt Detail Receipt Sequence Key
PO0710.RCPLSEQ Receipt Detail Line Sequence

Implementation Notes

Receipt against Order

To generate a receipt against an order set the PO0700.PONUMBER (Purchase Order Number) field then see the section on Detail Line Matching below for instructions on how to manage the updating of lines on the receipt.

Order-less Receipts

As per Sage300 Receipts can be created without having to first create a P/O Order. To create an Order-less receipt simply set the Vendor number without setting the Purchase Order Number field.

Receipt from Multiple Orders

To receipt multiple orders specify each of the Order Numbers which are to be shipped on the Order Number (PONUMBER) field where each order number is separated by a comma. When receipting multiple orders it is mandatory to specify the PO Number (PONUMBER) field on the detail level, when the detail level is mapped.

Detail Line Matching – When matching to Order

As per entering a receipt via the Sage300 user interface, the detail lines are generated on entry of the purchase order number field.

The lines in the receipt must be matched against a line in the IMan dataset. Lines can be matched either by Item code or by P/O Detail Line Sequence. The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls how the lines are matched.


Field Id

Line Match Method Value


PO Detail Line Sequence (PORLSEQ)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Purchase Order is created, or via a lookup against the Purchase Order.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the receipt. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

Detail Line Matching – When Updating Shipment

In order to update a line within an existing shipment, set the RCPLREV (Receipt Line Number) field to a valid value.

P/O Requisitions

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert, Update, Delete



Writeback Fields

PO0760.RQNNUMBER Requisition Number
PO0760.LINES Lines in Requisition
PO0760.RQNHSEQ Requisition Sequence Key
PO0770.RQNLREV Requisition Detail Line Revision
PO0770.LINE Receipt Detail Receipt Sequence Key

Implementation Notes

Updating Requisitions

Requisitions can be updated by setting the Requisition Number (RQNNUMBER) field.

To update a line within an order the line must be identified or matched to the line being updated. This is achieved by setting the either the RQNLREV or ITEM fields.

The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls which field is used to match a particular line.


Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Line Number (PORLREV)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Requisition is created, or via a lookup against the Requisition & Requisition Details.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the requisition. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

Deleting Lines

Existing lines can be deleted by setting the Delete Record (SYS.DELETE) field on the line to true.

Deleting Orders

When the update operation is set to Delete, each matching requisition, as determined by the Requisition Number (RQNNUMBER) field will be deleted.

P/O Vendor Contract Costs

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert & Update



Writeback Fields
