Order Entry

O/E Credit Notes


Insert only

Serial & Lot Tracking Support



No Project and Job Costing Support

Writeback Fields

OE0240.CRDUNIQ Credit Note Uniquifier
OE0240.CRDNUMBER Credit Note Number
OE0220.LINENUM Credit Note Detail Line Number
OE0220.DETAILNUM Credit Note Detail, Detail Number
OE0220.INVUNIQ Credit Note Header Uniquifier

Implementation Notes

Detail Tax Calculation

OE0220.TINCSWBEFOREUNTPRCx (Tax Included x b/f Unit Price)

Denotes if the tax included flag should be set for a line prior to setting the unit price. Since Tax Included pricing calculates Tax on top of Unit price after the Tax Inc. Flag is set to true, this backs out the tax so the Unit Price is inclusive of tax.

Detail Line Matching

The Credit Note import supports importing by matching an invoice to pre-populate the credit note or explicitly inserting lines can be or a combination of both; as per entering a credit note via the Sage300 user interface.

In order to update a line that is auto-created when the invoice field is set at the header it must be matched against a line in the IMan dataset. Lines can be matched either by Item code or by Order Detail Line Number. The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls how the lines are matched.


Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Shipment Detail Line Number (INVLINENUM)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Shipment is created, or via a lookup against the Shipment & Shipment Details.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the invoice. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

When creating a credit note without change to any of the detail lines it is not necessary to include any detail records to the import. This can be achieved through:

  • Not mapping a detail record to the O/E Credit Note detail view or;
  • Filter/remove any detail records prior to the Sage300 connector.

If the Invoice Number field is not set at the header or to insert new lines to a credit note, set the ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field to 0 and ensure the INVLINENUM field is either not set to a value or empty.

O/E Credit Note Print

This allows O/E Credit/Debit Notes to be printed to either a local printer or exported to file.


Create only

Implementation Notes

Print Credit/Debit Note

When set to true will print the report to the specified printer.

Printer Name

The name of the locally installed printer. The printer cannot be a network printer.

Export File Path

The file to export the report to.

Credit/Debit Form

The Crystal Report form.

Credit/Debit Note Number

The credit/debit number to print.

O/E Invoices


Insert only



Writeback Fields

OE0420.INVUNIQ Invoice Uniquifier
OE0420.INVNUMBER Invoice Number
OE0420.CHECKNUM Invoice Prepayment Cheque/Receipt Number
OE0420.REBATCHNUM Invoice Prepayment Receipt Batch Number
OE0400.LINENUM Invoice Detail Line Number
OE0400.DETAILNUM Invoice Detail, Detail Number
OE0400.INVUNIQ Invoice Header Uniquifier

Implementation Notes


OE0692.SWPREPAY (Prepayment Made Against Shipment)

When True a prepayment will be made against the shipment. When a prepayment is made against the shipment the following fields are processed:

Field Id





Append Prepayment To Existing Batch

Specifies if the prepayment should be appended to an existing open A/R Receipt Batch. If a batch cannot be found matching the criteria a new A/R Batch will be created.

  • 1
    • Append to Batch Per Day By Description - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same description which has a batch date of the day of import.
  • 2
    • Append to Batch Per Day By Bank - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same bank which has a batch date of the day of import.
  • 3
    • Append to Batch By Description - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same description.
  • 4
    • Append to Batch By Bank - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same bank code.



Bank Code

The bank to which the deposit is made.



Receipt Amount

The receipt amount.



Bank Currency




Bank Rate

The Bank Rate


Check Date

The deposit date.



Receipt Type




A/R Receipt Batch Description

When not specified the A/R Receipt Batch Description defaults to:

“O/E Prepayment”



Customer Rate




Customer Rate Date




Customer Rate Type




Check/Receipt Number

This is a writeback field, but may also be specified.



Rate Type

Check/Receipt Rate Type



Rate Date

Check/Receipt Rate Date



Receipt Batch Number

Writeback field to capture A/R Receipt Batch number.

Credit Limit Check/Approval

To approve a shipment where the customer is over the Credit Limit the following fields are required:

Field Id





Approve Credit Limit Flag

Set to True to approve order where customer fails credit limit.



Authorising User Id

The Sage300 user id which has authority to override credit limit.



Authorising User Password

The password for the Sage300 user id specified in the previous field.

This field must be encrypted using the EncryptString function (see EncryptString).

Detail Tax Calculation

OE0400.TINCSWBEFOREUNTPRCx (Tax Included x b/f Unit Price)

Denotes if the tax included flag should be set for a line prior to setting the unit price. Since Tax Included pricing calculates Tax on top of Unit price after the Tax Inc. Flag is set to true, this backs out the tax so the Unit Price is inclusive of tax.

Detail Line Matching

As per entering an invoice via the Sage300 user interface, the detail lines are generated on entry of the shipment number field.

The lines in the shipment must be matched against a line in the IMan dataset. Lines can be matched either by Item code or by Order Detail Line Number. The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls how the lines are matched.

Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Shipment Detail Line Number (SHILINENUM)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Shipment is created, or via a lookup against the Shipment & Shipment Details.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the invoice. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

When creating an invoice without change to any of the detail lines it is not necessary to include any detail records to the import. This can be achieved through:

  • Not mapping a detail record to the O/E Invoice Detail view or;
  • Filter/remove any detail records prior to the Sage300 connector.

Invoice from Multiple Shipments

To invoice multiple shipments specify each of the Shipment Numbers which are to be invoiced on the Shipment (SHINUMBER) field where each shipment number is separated by a comma. When invoicing multiple shipments it is mandatory to specify the Shipment Number (SHINUMBER) field on the detail level, when the detail level is mapped.

O/E Invoice Print

This allows O/E invoices to be printed to either a local printer or exported to file.


Create only

Implementation Notes



Print Invoice

When set to true will print the report to the specified printer.

Printer Name

The name of the locally installed printer. The printer cannot be a network printer.

Export File Path

The file to export the report to.

Invoice Form

The Crystal Report form.

Invoice Number

The invoice number for the invoice to print.

O/E Orders (and Quotes)

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert, Update, Delete & Synchronise

Serial & Lot Tracking Support




Writeback Fields

OE0520.ORDUNIQ Order Uniquifier
OE0520.ORDNUMBER Order Number
OE0520.SHINUMBER Shipment Number generated from Order
OE0520.INVNUMBER Invoice Number generated from Order
OE0520.CHECKNUM Order Prepayment Cheque/Receipt Number
OE0520.REBATCHNUM Order Prepayment Receipt Batch Number
OE0500.LINENUM Order Detail Line Number
OE0500.ORDUNIQ Order Detail Order Uniquifier

Implementation Notes

Allocate Serial/Lot Numbers (ALLOCSERLOT)

When the ability to allocate serial or lot numbers can be allocated during order entry, this field allows you to bypass the allocation step when set to False.


Prepayment Made Against Order(OE0520.SWPREPAY)

When True a prepayment will be made against the order. When a prepayment is made against the order the following fields are processed:

Field Id





Append Prepayment To Existing Batch

Specifies if the prepayment should be appended to an existing open A/R Receipt Batch. If a batch cannot be found matching the criteria a new A/R Batch will be created.

  • 1
    • Append to Batch Per Day By Description - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same description which has a batch date of the day of import.
  • 2
    • Append to Batch Per Day By Bank - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same bank which has a batch date of the day of import.
  • 3
    • Append to Batch By Description - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same description.
  • 4
    • Append to Batch By Bank - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same bank code.



Bank Code

The bank to which the deposit is made.



Receipt Amount

The receipt amount.



Bank Currency




Bank Rate

The Bank Rate



Check Date

The deposit date.



Receipt Type




A/R Receipt Batch Description

When not specified the A/R Receipt Batch Description defaults to:

“O/E Prepayment”



Customer Rate




Customer Rate Date




Customer Rate Type




Check/Receipt Number

This is a writeback field, but may also be specified.



Rate Type

Check/Receipt Rate Type



Rate Date

Check/Receipt Rate Date



Receipt Batch Number

Writeback field to capture A/R Receipt Batch number.

Credit Limit Check/Approval

To approve an order where the customer is over the Credit Limit the following fields are required:


Field Id





Approve Credit Limit Flag

Set to True to approve order where customer fails credit limit.



Authorising User Id

The Sage300 user id which has authority to override credit limit.



Authorising User Password

The password for the Sage300 user id specified in the previous field.

This field must be encrypted using the EncryptString function.

Detail Tax Calculation

OE0500.TINCSWBEFOREUNTPRCx (Tax Included x b/f Unit Price)

Denotes if the tax included flag should be set for a line prior to setting the unit price. Since Tax Included pricing calculates Tax on top of Unit price after the Tax Inc. Flag is set to true, this backs out the tax so the Unit Price is inclusive of tax.

Updating Orders

Orders can be updated by setting the Order Number (ORDNUMBER) field.

To update a line within an order the line must be identified or matched to the line being updated. This is achieved by setting the either the LINENUM or ITEM fields.

The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls which field is used to match a particular line.


Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Line Number (LINENUM)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Order is created, or via a lookup against the Order & Order Details.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the invoice. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

Creating Orders from Quotes & Standing Orders

To create an Active order from either a quote or standing order:

  • Set the existing quote or standing order number to the Order Number (ORDNUMBER) field.
  • Set 1 to the Type (TYPE) field.
  • Set the Update Operation to either 'Update' or 'Insert/Update'.

Synchronise Update Method

When the Synchronise update method is selected updates to existing Orders will follow Synchronise deferential logic to add/delete line items.

The differential logic applied in the synchronise operation is made in conjunction with the line matching logic described above.

Synchronise logic (to delete records not present in the incoming data) will be applied to each line item.

Deleting Orders

When the update operation is set to Delete, each matching order, as determined by the Order Number (ORDNUMBER) field will be deleted.

Deleting Lines

Existing lines can be deleted by setting the Delete Record (SYS.DELETE) field on the line to true.

O/E Order Confirmation Print

This allows O/E Order Confirmation to be printed to either a local printer or exported to file.


Create only

Implementation Notes

Print Order Confirmation

When set to true will print the report to the specified printer.

Printer Name

The name of the locally installed printer. The printer cannot be a network printer.

Export File Path

The file to export the report to.

Order Confirmation Form

The Crystal Report form.

Order Confirmation Note Number

The order number to print.

O/E Shipments

Views/Record Types Supported



Insert & Update

Serial & Lot Tracking Support




Writeback Fields

OE0692.SHIUNIQ Shipment Uniquifier
OE0692.SHINUMBER Shipment Number
OE0692.INVNUMBER Invoice Number generated from Order
OE0692.CHECKNUM Shipment Prepayment Cheque/Receipt Number
OE0692.REBATCHNUM Shipment Prepayment Receipt Batch Number
OE0691.LINENUM Shipment Detail Line Number
OE0691.ORDUNIQ Shipment Detail Shipment Uniquifier

Implementation Notes

Shipment against Order

To generate a shipment against an order set the OE0692.SHINUMBER (Shipment Number) field then see the section on Detail Line Matching below for instructions on how to manage the updating of lines on the shipment.

Ship from Multiple Orders

To ship multiple orders specify each of the Order Numbers which are to be shipped on the Order Number (ORDNUMBER) field where each order number is separated by a comma. When shipping multiple orders it is mandatory to specify the Order Number (ORDNUMBER) field on the detail level, when the detail level is mapped.

Orderless Shipments

As per Sage300 Shipments can be created without having to first create an Order. To create an Orderless shipment simply set the Customer number without setting the Order Number field.


OE0692.SWPREPAY (Prepayment Made Against Shipment)

When True a prepayment will be made against the shipment. When a prepayment is made against the shipment the following fields are processed:

Field Id






Append Prepayment To Existing Batch

Specifies if the prepayment should be appended to an existing open A/R Receipt Batch. If a batch cannot be found matching the criteria a new A/R Batch will be created.

  • 1
    • Append to Batch Per Day By Description - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same description which has a batch date of the day of import.
  • 2
    • Append to Batch Per Day By Bank - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same bank which has a batch date of the day of import.
  • 3
    • Append to Batch By Description - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same description.
  • 4
    • Append to Batch By Bank - The prepayment will be appended to the first open batch with the same bank code.



Bank Code

The bank to which the deposit is made.



Receipt Amount

The receipt amount.



Bank Currency




Bank Rate

The Bank Rate


Check Date

The deposit date.



Receipt Type




A/R Receipt Batch Description

When not specified the A/R Receipt Batch Description defaults to:

“O/E Prepayment”



Customer Rate




Customer Rate Date




Customer Rate Type




Check/Receipt Number

This is a writeback field, but may also be specified.



Rate Type

Check/Receipt Rate Type



Rate Date

Check/Receipt Rate Date



Receipt Batch Number

Writeback field to capture A/R Receipt Batch number.

Credit Limit Check/Approval

To approve a shipment where the customer is over the Credit Limit the following fields are required:

Field Id





Approve Credit Limit Flag

Set to True to approve order where customer fails credit limit.



Authorising User Id

The Sage300 user id which has authority to override credit limit.



Authorising User Password

The password for the Sage300 user id specified in the previous field.

This field must be encrypted using the EncryptString function.

Detail Tax Calculation

OE0691.TINCSWBEFOREUNTPRCx (Tax Included x b/f Unit Price)

Denotes if the tax included flag should be set for a line prior to setting the unit price. Since Tax Included pricing calculates Tax on top of Unit price after the Tax Inc. Flag is set to true, this backs out the tax so the Unit Price is inclusive of tax.

Detail Line Matching – When Matching to Order

As per entering an invoice via the Sage300 user interface, the detail lines are generated on entry of the order number field.

The lines in the shipment must be matched against a line in the IMan dataset. Lines can be matched either by Item code or by Order Detail Line Number. The ‘Line Match Method’ (MATCHMTD) field controls how the lines are matched.

Field Id

Line Match Method Value


Order Detail Line Number (ORDLINENUM)



The value may be obtained either at the time the Order is created, or via a lookup against the Order & Order Details.

Item Code


When matching by item code, ensure there are no duplicate items in the invoice. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

When creating a shipment without change to any of the detail lines it is not necessary to include any detail records to the import. This can be achieved through:

  • Not mapping a detail record to the O/E Shipment Detail view or;
  • Filter/remove any detail records prior to the Sage300 connector.

Detail Line Matching – When Updating Shipment

In order to update a line within an existing shipment, set the LINENUM (Line Number) field to a valid value.

Kitting details/Components

IMan supports the ability to set the few values allowed on kit components. Similarly to the Sage300 User Interface kit components are a child of the Detail level. To specify the component record to update it is necessary to map the component (un)formatted item code to the Item Number field on the kit level.

If no matching item can be found an error is raised; conversely IMan does not support the ability to specifying the values of a component if the item appears multiple times in the kit. When duplicate items are present only the first item is updated.

Serial & Lot Number Kitting Details/Components

Serial & Lot number tracked kitting & BOM components it is necessary to set as children to the detail the kit/BOM components.