API Call Usage

This page explains IMan's usage of the Salesforce API allotted calls.

Meta Data Queries

A single API call will be consumed when IMan queries Salesforce for an object's metadata. When working in the designer there will be multiple calls to Salesforce to describe various objects. These calls may consume anywhere between 5-30 API calls. Typically, the results of these calls are cached for performance, so that once an object is described it will not be requested again during that session.

There are other instances where additional calls for metadata may be made.


Each Lookup will consume a single API call.

Reader (Pull)

A single API call will be consumed each time an IMan executes containing a Salesforce Reader. Each subsequent 'page' of results returned by the query consumes another API call.

Connector (Push)

An API call will be consumed for each record inserted or updated.