
The Sort transform organises the records within a dataset, according to the following rules:

  • Sorting may be applied to any or all or no records within the dataset.
  • Sorts cannot be applied to Binary fields.
  • When a sort is placed on a dataset, it only applies to the records within the selected transaction.


If a sort were applied to the children nodes, the sort would be applied independently to the child nodes on Parent A, and then to the child nodes on Parent B.

Sort > Field Mapping


The name of field to be sorted.

Sort Order

A record can be organised according to multiple fields, if necessary. Therefore, the sort order specifies which fields to sort, and in what order.


In the screenshot above, the records will be organised in ascending order starting with the CustomerLastName. Then, within these sorted groups, the records will be in ascending order by CustomerFirstName.


Specifies whether the sort on the field is either ascending or descending.

Sort > Audit

Supported Counters

No counters are supported.

Action on Transform Error

Any errors, irrespective of the setting, will cause the transform to abort.